Sunburst Fathead Anthias
Please contact us at info@baybridgeaquarium.com to confirm immediately availability. Livestock inventory is subject to change and prior sale. Fish shipments may take several days to fulfill.
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Scientific Name: Serranocirrhitus latus
Family: Serranidae
Origin: Indo-Pacific, Fiji
Quick Facts
- Care Level: Moderate
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Lifespan: 5-7 years, possibly longer
- Reef Compatible: Yes
- Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
- Maximum Size: 5"
- Diet: Carnivore
- Minimum Tank Size: 60 gallons
The Sunburst Anthias, or Sunburst Fathead Anthias, gets its name from its remarkably bright colors. The body is a vibrant pink with varying degrees of orange and some yellows. The facial markings are yellow and are reminiscent of the sun's rays.
They need live rock to hide in and will appreciate high water flow. They are best kept with other peaceful fish and can be kept together in a group consisting of one male and a few females. They should be fed multiple times a day and will thrive on a diet of meaty frozen, live, pellet and high quality flake foods.
Like all anthias, Sunburst Anthias are hermaphrodites. They all hatch as females and then the most dominant female within a group becomes the male, and if the male dies, he is replaced.