Boesemani's Rainbow
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Scientific Name: Melanotaenia boesemani
Family: Melanotaeniidae
Origin: Asia, Thailand
Quick Facts
- Care Level: Easy
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Lifespan: 4-6 years
- Water Conditions: 74-79° F, KH 4-10, pH 6.0-7.0
- Maximum Size: 4"
- Diet: Omnivore
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Slender, torpedo-shaped bodies.
- Intensely red heads and anterior portions fading into vivid reddish-orange posterior and fins.
- Clear forked tails.
- Two popular varieties are the ‘Ruby’ red Boesemani (prized for its rich ruby flush) and the ‘Neon’ red Boesemani (with an unmistakable reddish-orange glow).
General Information:
- Origin: Color variant of Melanotaenia boesemani.
- Size: Approximately 4 inches (10 cm) long.
- Lifespan: 4 to 6 years with proper care.
- Temperament: Peaceful shoaling species; should be kept in small groups.
Habitat & Tank Requirements:
- Minimum tank size: 29 gallons.
- Water parameters: 74-82°F (23-28°C), pH 6.0-7.5, soft water (<15 dGH).
- Tank setup: Densely planted with open swimming space, fine gravel substrate, rocks, and driftwood.
- Omnivorous: High-quality flakes, small pellets, and live/frozen foods (brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia).
- Forage throughout the tank; feed 2-3 small meals daily.
- Egg-scattering species with no parental care.
- Soft, acidic water in the breeding tank.
- Males entice females to lay eggs among plants; fry hatch within 6-10 days.
Common Health Issues:
- Susceptible to Ich (white spot disease) so maintain clean water and a varied diet.